Neri Fyth

A plucky, excitable half-elezen with a passion for baking, gardening, exploring - and most of all, making new friends!

Basic Facts

Name: Neri Fyth
Age: Twenty
Race: Half-Elezen, Half-Hyur
Alignment:Neutral Good
Current Jobs: Culinarian, "Gunbaker", Conjurer.
Appearance: The notable features of Neri…well, depend on what the beholder sees as notable! Is it her bright red hair usually tied into a cute little bun or braid? The countless freckles that dot her face and curvy body? The youthful, eager expression usually flitting about her features? …No, be honest, it’s the floppy ears isn’t it?! Neri is quite clearly a half-elezen, standing at average height for a Hyur lady (despite insistences from taller folk that she’s short.), with the only real evident mark of her mixed heritage being her large, noticeable ears – formed in the same shape and length as her Elezen mother’s. While her wardrobe has slowly started to change over the years, she still tends to gravitate towards loose dresses and dirdnls, having a distinct ‘cottagecore’ vibe to her. Most recently, she has taken to wearing a Soul Crystal around her neck – that of a Gunbreaker, usually wearing this visibly, regardless of what else she may be wearing.
Personality:Neri is a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve… for the most part! The word ‘whimsy’ sums her usual demeanour up, bubbly, energetic and with just the right amount of goofy playfulness, if prone to abrupt impulsiveness. Eager to chat and waste the day away getting up to escapades, Neri’s behaviour can either come off as precious and endearing, or exhausting and obnoxious. Those who view it as the former usually tend to get a friend for life and the others…well, she didn’t want to be their friend anyway! (Probably.)Despite being outspoken, she tends to avoid serious conflict and argument when she can, even if her tendency to put her foot in her mouth can lead to such – although it’s very rare that says anything mean or insensitive out of a place of malice.Of course while the above is the redhead in a nutshell, those who end up loitering around her for longer may see other sides to her. Deeply sensitive and protective of her friends, Neri is a woman who can be too emotive for her own good. Happiness tends to be her default state and thus while she normally is a bundle of positive and infectious energy, she still has flaws. Childlike naivety that is endearing to some may be seen instead as ignorance. When she’s happy, she’s very happy – and the other side of the coin is that when she’s upset or worried, she’s notably so, even if she tries her best to put on a brave face and mask this. she probably doesn’t get too far. Every now and then, her closest friends might notice the occasional sense of loneliness here and there as if she’s either craving deeper connections still, or worried somehow that the connections she has made so far will be severed and she will find herself lonely once more.…But thankfully, the state most would encounter Neri in, -is- the cheerful redheaded baker that’s happy to spend an afternoon introducing someone to her bakery, as she is to get up to more dramatic hi-jinks. Come say howdy, and she’ll say hi right on back to you!


Born to a loving father and mother, Neri's childhood was about as idyllic as they get, spending her days in the village of Fallgourd Float in the North Shroud, where whenever she wasn't trying to explore the woods of Gridania and cause her parents to panic in the process, she was waking her Ma at three bells in the morning to teach her more recipes, or immersing herself in books, particularly those concerned with adventuring, such novels doing much to inflame the half-elezen's imagination.Now in her adulthood and with her imagination and wanderlust still as present as ever, Neri has left her woodland home of Gridania outside to explore as much as Eorzea as she can. Outside of exploring, she has moved to the port city-state of Limsa Lomisa, where she has managed to harness the funds to buy her own bakery, selling all sorts of baked goods. Some she often gives away to people for free to make friends with, but still. Snacks all the while!

RP Hooks

  • Picture the scene. You've only just realised it's the anniversary of you and your lover's Ceremony of Eternal Bonding. Perhaps life just got too busy and the date snuck up on you. Perhaps you somehow even forgotten you -had- a lover. Either way, if only there was a friendly merchant around to sell you flowers at a honest price to soothe your partner's wrath....ta-da! (Note: Flowers are not guaranteed to soothe the wrath of any scorned partners. Results may vary.)

  • What's that scent upon the horizon? The one that painfully reminds you how long it has been since you last ate. Why, it's Neri! Or more accurately, her basket full of freshly baked snacks! Whether it's early-afternoon and feeling the aftereffects of a comedically rushed breakfast after waking up late for work, or just a case of late-night munchies, Neri is happy to sell her snacks to any in need.